OpenAEC for bSDD “Revit”

Connect bSDD

Set the bSDD to be referenced in the project.
The setting items are organization, dictionary name, and version.

  1. Press the “Settings” button.

  2. From the pull-down menu, select the organization, the dictionary, and its version. If you do not select all of these, you cannot connect to bSDD correctly.
  3. Save settings.

② Classification

  1. You can choose either manual selection or batch selection by category selection.

  2. Press “Confirm”

  1. Information on dictionaries and organizations connected to the bSDD can be checked.

  2. A list of classes registered in the bSDD is displayed here. The parent-child relationships are displayed in an easy-to-understand manner.

  3. The URI of the selected item in the tree can be displayed. You can view the contents of the bSDD at any time in your browser.

  1. You can create a new shared parameter file to populate the properties with bSDD information.

  2. If you already have a shared parameter file, you can also add bSDD properties to that file.
    Here, select the shared parameter file.

  3. Displays the location of newly created or loaded shared parameter files. Click here to open the shared parameter file at any time.

  1. Obtains parameters related to IFC from instance parameters and sets properties about Attributes in the IFC Class.

  1. Obtains a property set associated with the class selected in the tree and a list of properties associated with it.
    “Property Value” is taken from Allowed Values, and the choices are displayed; free input is allowed if there are no Allowed Values.

  2. Obtains a list of property sets associated with the class selected in the tree.

  1. To write values to Autodesk® Revit® properties, add the properties imported from bSDD to the shared parameter file.

  2. By pressing this button, you can write values imported from bSDD to Autodesk® Revit® properties. Automatically maps from shared to project parameters by referencing the BuiltIn Parameter Group.

  1. Make sure that the bSDD value is added.

It is a ribbon that can display the bSDD’s website, information about openBIM, and the website of the development company.

We are committed to understanding user feedback, requests, and error conditions. Here, we collect various error details and requests through Form.

bSDD Data Mapping Description